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Formula E

The 2018 Formula 1 Championship may have finished, but there is no reason to worry about, because the Formula E season has just started!
Formula E is a series of 12 races, called e-Prix's, where electric single seaters take part. FIA launched this series in 2014 as an alternative of Formula 1 and not as a supporting championship. That means, drivers do not race in Formula E in order to take a promotion for Formula 1, but that the two championships are in an equally high level.
Top car manufacturers have participated in the past, such as Renault, which has won the most races and titles, and AUDI. This year Renault will not participate and AUDI, the reigning champion, will have to compete against other famous constructors, such as BMW (which one the first ePrix of the season), Jaguar and Nissan. Motorsport giants, Mercedes and Porsche, are planning to participate in the next season. The chassis and the battery are the same for all 11 teams, while each team can create their own electric motor. Tires are supplied by Michelin.
Two drivers are racing for each team, making a total of 22 drivers. There are many drivers this year, both young and experienced, that have also raced in F1. For example, Stoffel Vandoorne completed the F1 season with McLaren about a month ago and now he joined Garry Paffett (former McLaren test driver) as the HGA Racelab duet. Other former F1 drivers are Massa, di Grassi, Vergne, d'Ambrosio, Buemi and Piquet jr.
The duration of each race is set to 45 minutes and no pit stops are scheduled, except if there is a tire puncture, or something like that. The point system is the same as other FIA championships, that is: 1) 25pts, 2) 18pts, 3) 15pts, 4) 12pts, 5) 10pts, 6) 8pts, 7) 6pts, 8) 4pts, 9) 2pts and 10) 1pts. Extra points are awarded to the fastest drivers, 3 for pole position and 1 for the fastest lap of the race. Races are held on Saturdays, instead of Sundays and in most parts of the world are broadcasted for free via the official YouTube channel of ABB Fomrula E.


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