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The legend of F1

It's been 20 years since the day a legend died. May 1st 1994, Ayrton Senna, one of the best drivers in F1 of his time (and of all times), lost his life when he drove straight into the wall, at the Grand Prix of San Marino, under unexplained conditions.

Unfortunately during that weekend, he was not the only one to lose his life. Just one day earlier, the Austrian driver Ronald Ratzenberger also died in a car accident at the very same track... The death of the Brazilian 3 times champion caused sadness throughout the world. The football players of the national team of Brazil dedicated the world cup they won that summer to him.

Since that day a lot has changed in Formula 1. The regulations have been altered many times and although modern cars are faster than those of the past, they are also safer. The driver is “hidden” in the cockpit, whereas 20 years ago he was exposed. Helmets now come with the HANS (Head And Neck Support) system. The crash tests are more strict. New tracks are built with plenty run-off areas. That's why, in 2007, Robert Kubica survived his high speed accident at Canada without any serious injuries. On the contrary, in 1995, Mika Hakkinen almost didn't make it when he crashed at the last race at Adelaide. In 1999, Michael Schumacher crashed at Silverstone and just broke his leg. But now is struggling to survive after an accident while skiing!

Many believe that Senna's death saved the lives of other drivers. The world of F1 was shocked because of his death, so F1 cars became safer and safer, making it the safest sport with no driver casualties for the last 20 years.


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